
Library Installation

You must have Scilab 5.5 installed and in your PATH (see instructions below). Additionally, you must have the Numpy and Scipy libraries installed. On Windows, you can get the install files here.

The best way to install this library is by using pip:

pip install scilab2py

Scilab Path Installation

The goal is to be able to call Scilab from the command prompt.

On Posix systems, open a shell and type scilab --nw. If that does not work, add the path to your Scilab executable in your PATH in your .profile file.

On Windows, open a cmd prompt and type Scilex. If that does not work, you need to find your scilab-x.x.x\bin directory (probably in C:/Program Files) and add that to your path. You can do so from the Environmental Variables dialog for your version of Windows, or set from the command prompt:

setx PATH "%PATH%;<path-to-scilab-bin-dir>"