Installation ************************ Library Installation -------------------- You must have Scilab_ 5.5 installed and in your PATH (see instructions below). Additionally, you must have the Numpy and Scipy libraries installed. On Windows, you can get the install files here_. The best way to install this library is by using pip_:: pip install scilab2py .. _Scilab: .. _here: .. _pip: Scilab Path Installation ----------------------------- The goal is to be able to call Scilab from the command prompt. On Posix systems, open a shell and type ``scilab --nw``. If that does not work, add the path to your Scilab executable in your PATH in your ``.profile`` file. On Windows, open a ``cmd`` prompt and type ``Scilex``. If that does not work, you need to find your ``scilab-x.x.x\bin`` directory (probably in ``C:/Program Files``) and add that to your path. You can do so from the Environmental Variables dialog for your version of Windows, or set from the command prompt:: setx PATH "%PATH%;"