

Scilab2Py provides a plugin for IPython to bring Scilab to the IPython prompt or the IPython Notebook.

Script Examples

Scripts in the directory where scilab2py was initialized, or those in the Scilab path, can be called like any other Scilab function. To explicitly add to the path, use:

>>> from scilab2py import scilab
>>> scilab.getd('/path/to/directory')

to add the directory in which your script is located to Scilab’s path.



function [x, dtype] = roundtrip(y)

  // returns the variable it was given, and optionally the datatype

  x = y;

  if argn(1) == 2

         dtype = typeof(x);



Python Session

 >>> from scilab2py import scilab
 >>> import numpy as np
 >>> x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=float)
 >>> out, oclass = scilab.roundtrip(x)
 >>> import pprint
 >>> pprint.pprint([x, x.dtype, out, oclass, out.dtype])
[array([[ 1.,  2.],
       [ 3.,  4.]]),
 array([[ 1.,  2.],
       [ 3.,  4.]]),

Test Datatypes


function [data] = test_datatypes()
    // Test of returning a structure with multiple
    // nesting and multiple return types
    // Add a UTF char for test: 猫

    // numeric types
    // integers
    data.num.int.int8 = int8(-2^7);
    data.num.int.int16 = int16(-2^15);
    data.num.int.int32 = int32(-2^31);
    data.num.int.uint8 = uint8(2^8-1);
    data.num.int.uint16 = uint16(2^16-1);
    data.num.int.uint32 = uint32(2^32-1);

    // floats
    data.num.double = double(%pi);
    data.num.complex = complex(3, 1)
    data.num.complex_matrix = complex(1.2, 1.1) * eye(3, 3);

    // misc
    data.num.matrix = [1 2; 3 4];
    data.num.vector = [1 2 3 4];
    data.num.column_vector = [1;2;3;4];
    data.num.matrix3d = ones([2 3 4]) * %pi;

    // logical type
    //data.logical = [10 20 30 40 50] > 30;

    // string types
    data.string.basic = 'spam';

    // cell array types
    data.cell.array = {[0.4194 0.3629 -0.0000;
                        0.0376 0.3306 0.0000;
                        0 0 1.0000],
                       [0.5645 -0.2903 0;
                        0.0699 0.1855 0.0000;
                        0.8500 0.8250 1.0000]};

    // mixed struct
    data.mixed.array = [[1 2]; [3 4]];
    data.mixed.cell = {'1'};
    data.mixed.scalar = 1.8;


Python Session

>>> from scilab2py import scilab
>>> out = scilab.test_dataypes()
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(out)
 {'cell': {'array': array([[ 0.4194,  0.3629, -0.    ],
        [ 0.0376,  0.3306,  0.    ],
        [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  1.    ],
        [ 0.5645, -0.2903,  0.    ],
        [ 0.0699,  0.1855,  0.    ],
        [ 0.85  ,  0.825 ,  1.    ]])},
  'mixed': {'array': array([[ 1.,  2.],
        [ 3.,  4.]]),
            'cell': u'1',
            'scalar': 1.8},
  'num': {'column_vector': array([[ 1.],
        [ 2.],
        [ 3.],
        [ 4.]]),
          'complex': (3+1j),
          'complex_matrix': array([[ 1.2+1.1j,  0.0+0.j ,  0.0+0.j ],
        [ 0.0+0.j ,  1.2+1.1j,  0.0+0.j ],
        [ 0.0+0.j ,  0.0+0.j ,  1.2+1.1j]]),
          'double': 3.1415926535897931,
          'int': {'int16': -32768,
                  'int32': -2147483648,
                  'int8': -128,
                  'uint16': 65535,
                  'uint32': 4294967295,
                  'uint8': 255},
          'matrix': array([[ 1.,  2.],
        [ 3.,  4.]]),
          'matrix3d': array([[ 3.14159265,  3.14159265,  3.14159265]]),
          'vector': array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.,  4.]])},
  'string': {'basic': u'spam'}}