
Python to Octave Types

Shows the round-trip data types, originating in Python. Lists and sets will be converted to a numeric array if possible, falling back on cells. If an Octave cell consisting of numbers is desired, use a tuple. Cell, Struct, StructArray are Oct2Py convenience classes.

Python Octave Python
int int32 np.int32
long int64 np.int64
float double np.float64
complex double np.complex128
str char unicode
unicode cell unicode
bool logical np.bool
None nan np.nan
dict struct Struct
tuple cell Cell
list array or cell ndarray or Cell
set array or cell ndarray or Cell
Struct struct Struct
StructArray struct array StructArray

Numpy to Octave Types

Note that when convert_to_float is set (default is True), integer types are converted to floating point before sending them to Octave.

Numpy Octave Numpy
np.int8 int8 np.int8
np.int16 int16 np.int16
np.int32 int32 np.int32
np.int64 int64 np.int64
np.uint8 uint8 np.uint8
np.uint16 uint16 np.uint16
np.uint32 uint32 np.uint32
np.uint64 uint64 np.uint64
np.float16 double np.float64
np.float32 single np.float32
np.float64 double np.float64
np.float128 double np.float64
np.double double np.float64
np.complex64 double np.complex64
np.complex128 double np.complex128
np.complex256 double np.complex128
np.bool logical bool
np.str cell list
np.object cell list
sparse sparse sparse
recarray struct array StructArray

Octave to Python Types

These are handled unambiguously. The only known data type that is not transferable is a function pointer, since Octave cannot save them to the v6 MAT file format.

Octave Python
array ndarray
cell Cell
struct Struct
struct array StructArray
logical ndarray (of uint8)
sparse sparse
user defined object Oct2Py object pointer