API Reference


class oct2py.Oct2Py(executable=None, logger=None, timeout=None, oned_as='row', temp_dir=None, convert_to_float=True)[source]

Manages an Octave session.

Uses MAT files to pass data between Octave and Numpy. The function must either exist as an m-file in this directory or on Octave’s path. The first command will take about 0.5s for Octave to load up. The subsequent commands will be much faster.

You may provide a logger object for logging events, or the oct2py.get_log() default will be used. When calling commands, logger.info() will be used to stream output, unless a stream_handler is provided.


executable : str, optional

Name of the Octave executable, can be a system path. If this is not given, we look for an OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE environmental variable. The fallback is to call “octave-cli” or “octave”.

logger : logging object, optional

Optional logger to use for Oct2Py session

timeout : float, optional

Timeout in seconds for commands

oned_as : {‘row’, ‘column’}, optional

If ‘column’, write 1-D numpy arrays as column vectors. If ‘row’, write 1-D numpy arrays as row vectors.}

temp_dir : str, optional

If specified, the session’s MAT files will be created in the directory, otherwise a default directory is used. This can be a shared memory (tmpfs) path.

convert_to_float : bool, optional

If true, convert integer types to float when passing to Octave.

Start Octave and set up the session.


The logging instance used by the session.


Quits this octave session and cleans up.

push(name, var, timeout=None, verbose=True)[source]

Put a variable or variables into the Octave session.


name : str or list

Name of the variable(s).

var : object or list

The value(s) to pass.

timeout : float

Time to wait for response from Octave (per line).

**kwargs: Deprecated kwargs, ignored.


Integer type arguments will be converted to floating point unless convert_to_float=False.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> y = [1, 2]
>>> octave.push('y', y)
>>> octave.pull('y')
array([[ 1.,  2.]])
>>> octave.push(['x', 'y'], ['spam', [1, 2, 3, 4]])
>>> octave.pull(['x', 'y'])  
[u'spam', array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])]
pull(var, timeout=None, verbose=True)[source]

Retrieve a value or values from the Octave session.


var : str or list

Name of the variable(s) to retrieve.

timeout : float, optional.

Time to wait for response from Octave (per line).

**kwargs: Deprecated kwargs, ignored.


out : object

Object returned by Octave.



If the variable does not exist in the Octave session.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> y = [1, 2]
>>> octave.push('y', y)
>>> octave.pull('y')
array([[ 1.,  2.]])
>>> octave.push(['x', 'y'], ['spam', [1, 2, 3, 4]])
>>> octave.pull(['x', 'y'])  
[u'spam', array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])]
get_pointer(name, timeout=None)[source]

Get a pointer to a named object in the Octave workspace.


name: str

The name of the object in the Octave workspace.

timemout: float, optional.

Time to wait for response from Octave (per line).


A variable, object, user class, or function pointer as appropriate.



If the variable does not exist in the Octave session or is of unknown type.


Pointers can be passed to feval or dynamic functions as function arguments. A pointer passed as a nested value will be passed by value instead.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> octave.eval('foo = [1, 2];')
>>> ptr = octave.get_pointer('foo')
>>> ptr.value
array([[ 1.,  2.]])
>>> ptr.address
>>> # Can be passed as an argument
>>> octave.disp(ptr)  
1  2
>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> sin = octave.get_pointer('sin')  # equivalent to `octave.sin`
>>> sin.address
>>> x = octave.quad(sin, 0, octave.pi())
>>> x
extract_figures(plot_dir, remove=False)[source]

Extract the figures in the directory to IPython display objects.


plot_dir: str

The plot dir where the figures were created.

remove: bool, optional.

Whether to remove the plot directory after saving.

feval(func_path, *func_args, **kwargs)[source]

Run a function in Octave and return the result.


func_path: str

Name of function to run or a path to an m-file.

func_args: object, optional

Args to send to the function.

nout: int, optional

Desired number of return arguments, defaults to 1.

store_as: str, optional

If given, saves the result to the given Octave variable name instead of returning it.

verbose : bool, optional

Log Octave output at INFO level. If False, log at DEBUG level.

stream_handler: callable, optional

A function that is called for each line of output from the evaluation.

timeout: float, optional

The timeout in seconds for the call.

plot_dir: str, optional

If specificed, save the session’s plot figures to the plot directory instead of displaying the plot window.

plot_name : str, optional

Saved plots will start with plot_name and end with “_%%.xxx’ where %% is the plot number and xxx is the plot_format.

plot_format: str, optional

The format in which to save the plot.

plot_width: int, optional

The plot with in pixels.

plot_height: int, optional

The plot height in pixels.


The Python value(s) returned by the Octave function call.


The function arguments passed follow Octave calling convention, not Python. That is, all values must be passed as a comma separated list, not using x=foo assignment.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> cell = octave.feval('cell', 10, 10, 10)
>>> cell.shape
(10, 10, 10)
>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> x = octave.feval('linspace', 0, octave.pi() / 2)
>>> x.shape
(1, 100)
>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> x = octave.feval('svd', octave.hilb(3))
>>> x
array([[ 1.40831893],
       [ 0.12232707],
       [ 0.00268734]])
>>> # specify three return values
>>> (u, v, d) = octave.feval('svd', octave.hilb(3), nout=3)
>>> u.shape
(3, 3)
eval(cmds, verbose=True, timeout=None, stream_handler=None, temp_dir=None, plot_dir=None, plot_name='plot', plot_format='svg', plot_width=None, plot_height=None, plot_res=None, nout=0, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluate an Octave command or commands.


cmds : str or list

Commands(s) to pass to Octave.

verbose : bool, optional

Log Octave output at INFO level. If False, log at DEBUG level.

stream_handler: callable, optional

A function that is called for each line of output from the evaluation.

timeout : float, optional

Time to wait for response from Octave (per line). If not given, the instance timeout is used.

nout : int, optional.

The desired number of returned values, defaults to 0. If nout is 0, the ans will be returned as the return value.

temp_dir: str, optional

If specified, the session’s MAT files will be created in the directory, otherwise a the instance temp_dir is used. a shared memory (tmpfs) path.

plot_dir: str, optional

If specificed, save the session’s plot figures to the plot directory instead of displaying the plot window.

plot_name : str, optional

Saved plots will start with plot_name and end with “_%%.xxx’ where %% is the plot number and xxx is the plot_format.

plot_format: str, optional

The format in which to save the plot (PNG by default).

plot_width: int, optional

The plot with in pixels.

plot_height: int, optional

The plot height in pixels.

plot_res: int, optional

The plot resolution in pixels per inch.

**kwargs Deprectated kwargs.


out : object

Octave “ans” variable, or None.



If the command(s) fail.


The deprecated log kwarg will temporarily set the logger level to WARN. Using the logger settings directly is preferred. The deprecated return_both kwarg will still work, but the preferred method is to use the stream_handler. If stream_handler is given, the return_both kwarg will be honored but will give an empty string as the reponse.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> octave.eval('disp("hello")') 
>>> x = octave.eval('round(quad(@sin, 0, pi/2));')
>>> x
>>> a = octave.eval('disp("hello");1;')  
>>> a = octave.eval('disp("hello");1;', verbose=False)
>>> a
>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> lines = []
>>> octave.eval('for i = 1:3; disp(i);end',                         stream_handler=lines.append)
>>> lines  
[' 1', ' 2', ' 3']

Restart an Octave session in a clean state


class oct2py.Struct[source]

Octave style struct, enhanced.


Supports dictionary and attribute style access. Can be pickled, and supports code completion in a REPL.


>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from oct2py import Struct
>>> a = Struct()
>>> a.b = 'spam'  # a["b"] == 'spam'
>>> a.c["d"] = 'eggs'  # a.c.d == 'eggs'
>>> pprint(a)
{'b': 'spam', 'c': {'d': 'eggs'}}


class oct2py.Cell[source]

A Python representation of an Octave cell array.


This class is not meant to be directly created by the user. It is created automatically for cell array values received from Octave. The last axis is squeezed if it is of size 1 to simplify element access.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> # generate the struct array
>>> octave.eval("x = cell(2,2); x(:) = 1.0;")
>>> x = octave.pull('x')
>>> x
Cell([[1.0, 1.0],
       [1.0, 1.0]])
>>> x[0]
Cell([1.0, 1.0])
>>> x[0].tolist()
[1.0, 1.0]

Create a cell array from a value and optional Octave session.


class oct2py.StructArray[source]

A Python representation of an Octave structure array.


Accessing a record returns a Cell containing the values. This class is not meant to be directly created by the user. It is created automatically for structure array values received from Octave. The last axis is squeezed if it is of size 1 to simplify element access.


>>> from oct2py import octave
>>> # generate the struct array
>>> octave.eval('x = struct("y", {1, 2}, "z", {3, 4});')
>>> x = octave.pull('x')
>>> x.y  # attribute access -> oct2py Cell
Cell([[1.0, 2.0]])
>>> x['z']  # item access -> oct2py Cell
Cell([[3.0, 4.0]])
>>> x[0, 0]  # index access -> numpy record
(1.0, 3.0)
>>> x[0, 1].z

Create a struct array from a value and optional Octave session.


class oct2py.Oct2PyError[source]

Called when we can’t open Octave or Octave throws an error



Return a console logger.

Output may be sent to the logger using the debug, info, warning, error and critical methods.


name : str

Name of the log.


[R1]Logging facility for Python, http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html



Kill all octave instances (cross-platform).

This will restart the “octave” instance. If you have instantiated Any other Oct2Py objects, you must restart them.