
Library Installation

You must have GNU Octave installed and in your PATH (see instructions below). The library is only known to work with Octave 4.0+. Additionally, you must have the Numpy and Scipy libraries for Python installed. The simplest way to get them is to use the Anaconda distribution.

Once the dependencies have been installed, run:

$ pip install oct2py

If using conda, it is available on conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge oct2py

GNU Octave Installation

  • On Linux platforms, try your package manager, or follow the instructions from Octave. You must also have gnuplot installed, and gnuplot-x11 or gnuplot-qt, if available.

  • On OSX, the recommended methods are listed on this wiki.

  • On Windows, download the latest MinGW or .NET version. Cygwin is NOT supported. The MinGW version requires the 7zip program for installation. Make sure to install gnuplot if prompted. Finally, to add Octave to your path. You can do so from the Environmental Variables dialog for your version of Windows, or set from the command prompt:

    setx PATH "%PATH%;<path-to-octave-dir>

    Where the folder <path-to-octave-dir> has the file “octave.exe”. If you see the message: “WARNINGS: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters” It means your PATH variable is too long. You’ll have to manually trim in in the Windows Environmental Variables editor.

  • To test, open a command window (or terminal) and type: octave. If Octave starts, you should

    be good to go.

  • Alternatively, you can specify the path to your Octave executable by creating an OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE environmental variable.